Dolphin Fun

Dolphin Fun
2014 Cruise

Thursday, October 30, 2014


Life is racing by.  Sometimes I just want to press "pause". The kids are both in a phase of changing rapidly, experiencing new things constantly and just growing up and up..

 Hunter is junior lifeguarding - learning to teach swim lessons and paving the way to becoming a full fledged life guard when he turns 16 in June.  He does this 2 nights a week.  A great experience, and is learning a lot about teaching kids to swim. 

This says Hello Straight Teeth on the welcome board. 

Lindsay with her 4 braces on her front teeth. She has head gear to wear for sleeping. 

These new adventures in their lives mean bigger things are around the bend.  They are milestones into becoming adults.  And this mama can't help but to be proud and sad all at once! Today while at the doctor's office, someone was bringing in their 6 mo old baby boy for a well check.  As I talked to the mom and enjoyed the baby -- I thought don't blink ---- it goes so fast.  My babies were both just 6 months old the other day....

Life lessons to stop and enjoy these moments and milestones.  Thankful I have a job that is flexible to allow me to not miss these moments.  The small moments add up to who they'll be someday - what they will stand for, how they will live, and the impact they will have.

I saw an article that caught my eye this morning that said -- you think you are a bad parent? Or you question your parenting effectiveness?  I do this all the time --- wonder if when they are 35 they will laugh at me or need therapy for all the dysfunctional moments we have.  But this article said that by questioning yourself --- you are proving that you are a good parent by questioning yourself and rechecking in with yourself.  Constant tweeking.

I think that's what parenting takes -- constant tweeking.  Just when I think I have one of the kids figured out, they change and outgrow that stage.  So again we are reconfiguring.

Tweek on......

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