Dolphin Fun

Dolphin Fun
2014 Cruise

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I was "listening" to a movie while working.  I overheard the 5 words. 5 words that speak to my heart.


Ouch! Those words strike right to my inner heart.  How I long (unrealistically) for my birth parent, who gave birth to me to say/show those words.

If we were honest, we all would say that we desire someone to "truly" know us.  When taking a poll of women in a study, the most common struggle of women is loneliness.  Desiring relationships, close relationships of those we love.  The people that we want to "get" us.

This then make me think about Jesus.  Oh, how He desires for us to know Him.  I need a change of heart.  I think maybe the hole in my heart of wanting others to know me can be mended by my getting to know my Heavenly Father more and more every day.

Jeremiah 29:13 says "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with ALL your heart."
That sounds easier, safer to my heart and brain than hoping that this 1 person will ever want to know me.  This is more secure, better for me, the exact medicine my heart needs.  If I know this, why is it hard to have this mindset?  This is a guarantee, a promise.  This is healthy, because He already knows me and loves everything about me (shocking I know).

What I've come to discover, knowing God doesn't just happen, it requires action.  I'm ready to take more action, to seek Him out in all things, even my deepest, darkest desires and needs.  Because when He fills them, they are healed.  And stronger than ever before.  When we take it upon ourselves to fill these desires, at the end of the day, they are still there.  I want them filled by Him and for Him.

Bottom line....He will never reject me. And that sounds safer than safe to me.

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