Dolphin Fun

Dolphin Fun
2014 Cruise

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Today was not really a good day.  And for many, many reasons that are not in my control.  And I found myself deep into a little pity party.  I usually don't relish here, but today I really wanted to hibernate and nestle down tight in my little party of 1 (my party ended up affecting a few others, sad how that happens).

I prayed and asked God to put it into perspective.  To help me only really look at one thing at a time, instead of the overwhelming piles that were about to crumble around me.

But tonight as I was driving like Mario Andretti, trying to get the frustrations out... I realized that alone today -- someone had lost a child, another friend's husband left her, someone lost a parent, another acquaintance had lost their home.

My perspective is way off.  Is yours?  Do you ever feel like you are about to crumble ------ then you have a moment where you realize, someone always has it worse than you.

Now on top of my pity party -- I feel guilty.  Just kidding.  My circumstances weren't great today and I had some strikes against me, but tomorrow is a new day and I'm tucking in both my kids (who I've asked to forgive me) giving loves to my husband in a bit and snuggling into my warm bed.  My circumstances are GREAT compared to many others and that's what I'm focusing on tonight as I close my eyes.

And ask for more grace to make it through tomorrow.  How's your perspective?  Does it need adjusting like mine?  Take a step back.  Evaluate.  Adjust. Make some changes.


  1. Sometimes on those very tough days when we are humbled by our own pity ...they are there to do exactly what they are supposed to do. Drive us to the foot of the cross. We realize we are flesh, we are man, we are fallible, we sin, we disappoint, we are self centered, we are prideful...the list goes on. BUT it is also within us to not just acknowledge these shortcomings but also our NEED for our savior. He is quick to forgive, to mold and to shape. Unless I am being molded, albeit painful at times, I am so thankful that it also means that progress is being made. It means that my faith is not yesterday's faith, that I am not living on yesterday's mana. And sometimes at the end of some days, you aren't half bad, and haven't done a half bad job at staying right, and you feel His pleasure. Not because of what we do, or how we perform but because He loves us as his delightful child, because at our core, our hearts are in love with him and because HE is our everything. I love that every day of the entire year is His "New Year" a new beginning, a new day, a new lesson, a new blessing always the Lord of the second chance, at an offering of redemption and repentance. Doesn't get any better than that! ~Carolyn

  2. Thank you Carolyn. So very true. It ALL comes back to Jesus...
