Dolphin Fun

Dolphin Fun
2014 Cruise

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Something's missing....

The definition of a Mentor - a wise and trusted counselor, an influential senior sponsor or supporter. 

Titus 2:4-5 These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes,[b] to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God.

My friend Judy lived this out.  I am going to miss her, her influence, her wise words, her comfort, her smile that made you feel welcome and everything would be okay.  

When I very first decided to find my birth mom, Judy and I talked about it.  She encouraged me, she prayed for me, she waited with me expectantly.  

When I wavered if Lindsay should do competitive cheer, she encouraged me and encouraged me to be active in it to calm my fears. 

When I've had moments of being a Mama bear -- she has backed me up.  She too is a Mama bear.  She too loves her kids and grand kids with a force not to be messed with.  

When I've felt out of balance and that work is invading my home life, she had been there and done that and told me that work will come and go, but raising kids is but a fleeting moment. 

At book club, she was a voice of reason. A voice to learn from, to soak up and listen to.  

At bible study, her interpretation of God's Word and His love for others was contagious.  She loved people.  She was a total example of loving people and hating the sin.  She could separate the 2 much more easily than I can.  

She was there for me in February in a whole new way --when I had told God no to a particular situation and He opened that wound and said I needed to say yes.  She cried with me.  She hurt for me.  She planted seeds in my life.  She hugged me. Gave me loving, but tough advice. She loved me.  When I tried to thank her for being there for me, she turned it right back around to thanking me for being a part of her life and how influential I was to her.  

She laughed with me ( a lot -- or maybe it was at me, I'm not sure) and she cried with me.  It doesn't get much more real than this, does it? I think Jesus is the same, Judy was on quest to be more like Jesus. I desire this too.  I want to be a real friend, a friend like Jesus would be. 

This week, Lindsay was asked to be a mentor at her school.  I will remind her of our friend Judy and what God says a mentor is to be... being a mentor is biblical, practical and much needed. We have so much to learn from those that are a stage ahead of us in life.  We can learn from the good and the bad.. Judy would give you illustrations of both.

 I'm missing my mentor... but know that Jesus has BIGGER plans for her and loves her with a love that I can't even begin to grasp.  Judy, I'm sure you are already planting seeds of your wisdom and love for others.  

It's time for us all to take a step to the next level, continue on the work that Judy was doing. Love people, invest in them, take interest in their journeys. 


  1. Tears of your beautiful words running down my face.

  2. Very touching!! Beautifully put :)

  3. Thank you for sharing, Tonya. She certainly was extraordinary and she has left quite a legacy!
