Dolphin Fun

Dolphin Fun
2014 Cruise

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Relaxing isn't for wimps...

I have a whole week to relax (well, kind of). I had great high hopes of doing nothing, but I'm not good at this.  It's hard for me.  My mind thinks of all these things I could do and should do.  In this short time, I've learned that Hunter has the same personality as me.... go, go, go -- task list DONE!  When I think of relaxing, I think of sleeping.. Maybe this problem isn't new as I had a class in college, and part of the homework was to visit the "relaxation lab" -- guess what I always did -- SLEPT through my time!  Ha! The teacher always wrote on my paper, that I needed to find a way to relax -- that sleeping wasn't the answer.

I think I can learn some lessons from Garth & Lindsay -- that life CAN pass me by and I can sit back and relax... they are good at this.  They don't care if they miss things or miss out, they care more about quality time  with each other -- while Hunter & I fly by from our latest adventure....

How do you relax?  Do you just sit? Do you do something fun for yourself?  What do you call relaxing?

I'm reading my book club book (which is fantastically maddening), watching kids swim, playing volleyball and teaching the kids to play, feeding hungry kids.  Today I braved the American Girl store!  (This was NOT relaxing...just sayin...)

I'm trying to relax and will continue to work at it.. I've heard your body needs a break.

1 comment:

  1. I am with you Tonya, I always feel like there is something to be done - but when I do get extra time I read. I love to sit on the back deck in the sun and just read.
