Dolphin Fun

Dolphin Fun
2014 Cruise

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

IF:Walk it Out my Own Way


Time flies when you are having fun.  I haven't posted in a bit -- it's been a busy few months of packing up 1/2 the house, having a sick husband, painting the house, listing the house, selling the house, buying a new house, kids sports, enrolling Hunter at Aloha High, small groups, AUSTIN.
Yep -- that's where I've been since November.

A LOT of you have asked me about my conference.  It was a similar experience to Guatemala in that you came home changed, perspectives were tweaked.  Yet, this time, without my family feeling the same.  But needing time to have it "soak" in to where you could even explain it and make sense to others.  I still realize it's me, and I'm crazy and don't make sense to a lot of you - so that could be a long wait......... but..........

There is so much to tell you that it may take a few blog posts as you and I both don't have all day to write/read.  But the theme of the conference was to DREAM BIG.  And of course, IF is all about asking the question, IF GOD IS REAL, THEN WHAT?

We studied the story of Caleb and Joshua, being spies and checking out the city of Jericho, the promised land.  From the time they went to spy, to the time the walls of Jericho fell.  Each speaker built up to the walls falling.  Taking scripture and dissecting it down.

As we sat under humble, beautiful, talented women sharing God's word ---- I was really moved to continue to run my race.  I was really hoping to hear something new or hear God say to do something really great for Him.  But that's not what happened.  Really not.  I was hoping for clarity.  I got muddy confirmation.  I was hoping for something "new" (you have to know me to appreciate this), I got "stick with it". I was hoping for "a ha", I got continue in your own lane.

Joshua 1:6-9
How many times does God say Be Bold & Courageous?
Life is a battle.  We have the Conqueror on our side.  But we need to be bold and courageous in this lifetime.  Being bold means standing up for what is right, being bold means not being afraid.  Courageous leave legacies.  This was not a suggestion.  This was a command.

They had gone to check out the land as spies (Numbers 13) and had seen what their competition was. Caleb & Joshua had said -- we can do this!  God is on our side! The other 10 spies shared how scary it was, how big the enemy was, how it was a daunting task.  They couldn't see the bigger picture of the land and honey.  The bigger picture that their God was on their side.  They weren't willing to be bold and were sure lacking courage.

I don't want to be one of the 10.  I want to be the one that says - nothing is impossible because my God is on my side.  He has overcome all evil. He wants what is best for me.

Being 2 of 12 - with 10 against you is where I get weary.  This is where I wish I could run a different race sometimes.  This is where we look and say why can't we live like so and so? Why do I struggle while others race through?

Hebrews 12 states that we are called to run the race MARKED for us.  Sometimes I think we glaze over the part that states it is JUST for us, we just see to run the race and run it well.  We need to put our blinders on and not look to the right or left.  That will cause you to stumble.  Think of running the race --- if you take your eyes off the finish line, you will lose your footing.  You will fall back.  You will be distracted.  The cool thing is that God has a race made just for you!  I don't have to run someone else's course, nor at the speed that they are, just run your own course(thank God, cause I'm slow)

This leads me to my new saying ---- Walk it Out and Walk it Out in your Own Lane.  Christine Caine and Bianca Orthoff encouraged us to Walk it Out.

Joshua 6 talks about Joshua and his gang walking around the City of Jericho.  They were to walk around it once a day for 6 days.  Then the 7th day they were to walk it 7 times while blowing horns.  Does this seem crazy to you?

Our small minds think --- I've already done this for 5 days -- nothing has happened.
Day 6 -- is this for real? What will be different tomorrow? Why should we keep doing this? Nothing is happening.

Day 7 arrives and you were to walk around -- AND make noise?  Seriously?
God literally waited until the 7th day, after the 7th lap ---- the walls fell down.

WALK IT OUT...... what if you are on day 6 of a trial?  What if the answer is around the next bend?  Bianca Orthoff said --- "Results are God's responsibilities, responses are ours. You need to walk it out when it's not working out"

What in your life needs "walked out"?  What are you going to choose to do?

I'm trying to Be Bold and Courageous in Walking out my Race. With God's help - nothing is impossible.  Luke 1:45 and Luke 18:27