Dolphin Fun

Dolphin Fun
2014 Cruise

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tax season 2011 DONE

I made it!  Conquered another tax season!  I think I need to celebrate...

Monday, April 9, 2012


Today was a bit of a rough milestone for me.  You know the one, the one where you have to say NO.  Does anyone else struggle with this?  I sure do.  I'm not sure where it comes from and why I think that I can be Wonder Woman -- but I sure think I can.

I got a GREAT opportunity for a new client.  Huge challenge, new software, great people, steady work.  Sounds great, right?  It is.  But I had to turn them down. Life isn't as easy as saying yes or no to things.  I wrestled with it in my mind all weekend -- how I can fit it in, what great experience it is, what will it look like.

I realized a few things.
   1.  I'm already busy enough.
   2.  My kids are getting older and I don't want to miss out on anything
   3.  What if I can't give them my best because my best is divided so much?

Balance is something I'm working on.  So because of maintaining a proper balance, I had to say no.  Balance is something I struggle with everyday and am trying to incorporate.  (My next step is in exercise -- so keep me accountable). But balance in your life brings about peace and great relationships.

But saying no in a way that means not right now --- saying no in a way that tells them that since I care and want great things for them, I'm saying not right now.  And saying no in a way that still leaves the door open for the future.

While in business, doors always need to stay open. And as a business owner, always looking for great opportunities is what I do.  Keeping relationships that will allow you to possibly work together again in the future and allow for even greater things.  This gets my adrenalin going and I get excited about what COULD be coming.  You just never know and that excites me..

Today was a milestone -- you can either worry or you can trust -- but you can't do both.  (From church yesterday).  So, I'm going to trust.